Carbon offsetting contribution

Climate change is real and is having an increasing impact on our planet; your wildlife, our ecosystems, our food production, water supplies, etc. On top of doing our bit in our private lives, I am convinced that Eyes on Wildlife needs to take it's responsibility as well. Bookings from December 2020 onwards will have a carbon offsetting contribution included in the tour price - the amount indicated on each tour page. When booking your tour, you can let Patrick know which organisation you'd like to have your carbon offsetting contribution go to. You can also leave it to Patrick to decide.

To make sure you know the contribution does NOT go to Eyes on Wildlife, but to an organisation that is focused on mitigating climate change, you will receive a payment receipt for the payment made by Eyes on Wildlife for your tour.

The carbon offsetting contribution for your tour can go to the following organisations. We will work to engage with more organisations to broaden your choice of carbon offsetting PARTNERS. You can find out more about these partners by clicking their logo.  

Trees for the Evelyn and Atherton Tablelands is a a community-based tree planting organisation to revegetate degraded lands and create corridors for wildlife. TREAT has wonderful working relationships with the Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service, many landholders, and other landcare and community groups.

Mulgrave Landcare and catchment Group focuses on riparian and wetland restoration (tree plantings), sustainable agriculture, water quality by engaging the local community in the Mulgrave River catchment area.